Dexcom eCommerce Integration with Oracle

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Client: Dexcom Corporation

Challenge: Integrate eCommerce with Oracle e-Business Suite

Result: A fully, integrated end-to-end solution

Dexcom asked us to integrate their on-line store ( with their Oracle e-Business Suite managed customer, product, physician, insurer, payment, order, shipping and inventory information. Their marketing team had an extensive “wish list” for the project, but were uncertain if it could actually be achieved. Over a two-year period, TaylorMade Software developed four major release enhancements for Dexcom’s on-line store, going beyond the original requirements and expanding on the wish list. Our additions included features specific to their business relative to orders, single sign-on, payments, shipping, inventory, product business rules, healthcare providers, medical insurers, customers and much more. We additionally handled the software testing and writing of design documentation required for the FDA approval process on their “Share” product submission

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